Passing Through

Passing Through explores the intricate relationship between humanity and the landscapes we inhabit, tracing how our interactions with the environment have evolved across time. The photographic dialogue between the artists offers views into how the natural world both shapes and is shaped by time and our presence, offering a contemplative journey through the layers of our environment's enduring narrative.

BrIan McClave

Brian McClave is an experimental filmmaker and photographer, making work that investigates the intersection between landscape, seasons and human history.

Olive Carr-McClave

Olive Carr-McClave is a photographer based in Falmouth. Her work primarily consists of analogue imagery using a medium format camera.  A common theme throughout her work is portraiture of both people and places; focusing on smaller details and characteristics that differentiate them from any other place.

Lucy Carr-McClave

Lucy Carr-McClave is an MA Contemporary Art and Archaeology graduate who has recently moved away from conventional media work to pursue her own creative practice in more experimental filmmaking and photography. Her interests surround the artistic interpretation of archaeological theory and practice as well as the ways in which more experimental perspectives can add to our engagement and interpretation of the past. Often looking at the process of excavation and research as a focal point for this work within its own right.

Two Thousand Seven Hundred And Four
Gavin Peacock

Since the early 1990s Gavin Peacock has exhibited work in many medias; painting, sculpture, interactive artworks, photography and video including multiple collaborations with Brian McClave and Tom Wichelow for public art projects and film festivals. However for the last decade or so he has ridden his bike far more than made things. The photographs in this exhibition are part of a larger body of recent work incorporating writing, photography, screen and relief printworks based on a year long series of long distance bicycle rides in France. The photographs shot on 35mm film, using a half-frame camera creating diptychs, often one handed whilst still pedalling are glimpses, literally snapshots, into journeys through landscapes.

An American Journey
Tom Wichelow

After studying photography at Brighton University Tom Wichelow worked as a photographer and educator for 20 years. His calling was always to try to document with his camera and in another life he might have been an archivist. He completed a post graduate degree in documentary film making in 2018 and has helped produce several successful documentary films. He currently teaches A-Level photography and is retraining as a therapeutic counsellor.


The Regency Town House
13 Brunswick Square
Brighton & Hove

15–20 October

Wednesday 11:00–17:00
Thursday 11:00–17:00
Friday 11:00–17:00
Saturday 11:00–17:00
Sunday 11:00–17:00