Trail: Once again I become the world by Jackson Mount

I am here, I am free. I can imagine anything. It’s all possible. I only have to raise my eyes, and once again I become the world ” Marion, Wings of Desire.

I recently rewatched Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire and was struck by the parallels between the lives of the angels in his film and our own. It is easy to feel like Bruno Ganz circling Berlin, bearing witness to life’s ups and downs but never really stepping into the world. Worsening economic conditions, the aftermath of the pandemic, and growing conflict in the world have made it easy to feel isolated and alone.

This year’s Photo Fringe theme Common Ground feels particularly pertinent to our present condition. Though varied in approach and subject matter all the work in this trail reflects a generosity inherent to photography. These five artists all invite you to step outside of yourself and into the world. They provide a meeting place where through your exploration of their work you might better understand their subjects, the world and even yourself.

It is a unique and beautiful quality of photography that it is one of the only mediums which requires its maker to be with their subject. When utilised successfully this experience is extended to the viewer too.

Jackson Mount is a writer, photographer and filmmaker. He is a regular contributor to c4 journal and has also written for TANK magazine and The Photographers' Gallery. His work has been exhibited in institutions such as PH Museum in Bologna, The Photographers' Gallery in London and Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool.