Be Nice Brighton

Mark Heathcote

It took us by surprise. This was something that only happened in 'other countries'. That first wave of lockdown found me stumbling around empty streets with my camera. It was then I started to notice the covid street art, the unused cars covered in bird poop, and flower displays dying outside pubs. There were also early signs of resistance and conspiracy theory; I noticed large pavement scrawls telling Londoners to go back home (they were descending on beaches at weekends while the locals stayed indoors), and street art references to 'anti social distance resistance'.

As people began to emerge again, fear remained apparent with people keeping their distance for the most part. You could see it in the eyes above the mask as they assessed those walking towards them and adjusted their path accordingly.

Artist biography

Mark Heathcote is a London and South East based documentary photographer using his experience shooting the streets to apply humour and a modern approach to his images. Mark's heart lies on the streets. There he capture life’s little moments, mostly missed by the unobservant, but always a treat for the viewer.

Mark's photographs have appeared in various publications and joint exhibitions, winning several awards and recognition.

"I really hope you enjoy looking at my photographs. If you see something deep in them, it is of course intentional."
