Dreaming of Suburbia

Sarah Harris

I grew up in Hove in the 1970s and 80s. Back then, it was a separate town from Brighton with it's own character, which was somewhat sleepy and old-fashioned. During 2024, using a prism filter on my smartphone camera lens, I have revisted and photographed some of the leafy suburbs of Hove where my extended family and schoolfriends lived during that time. Due to the social and economic changes that have occured over the past few decades and the huge rise in the cost of living, many families have been financially 'squeezed' out of such suburban areas. In creating these images, I have attempted to evoke a hazy nostalgia for a lost past and a more simple time.

Artist biography

I am an artist/photographer based in Brighton and my work has been exhibited at local, regional and national venues. My influences include the Pre-Raphaelites, 20th Century Surrealism and Expressionism and Pop Art. Since 2023 I have been an Ambassador for the inclusive arts charity Outside In. Over the years I have worked in many different art media, and in recent years have been focussing mainly on my photography and in particular using toys, dolls and action figures to portray aspects of human emotions and relationships.

Kindly note that this exhibition is a personal project only and none of the photographs featured are for sale.
