Carry Greenham Home

Wendy Carrig

The Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp was the largest female-led protest since the Suffragette Movement. It drew tens of thousands of women to protest against American nuclear weapons being installed on British common land, and was successful in leading to the International ban on short-range nuclear missiles. Sadly this extraordinary event has been largely written out of history

To once again honour the remarkable achievements of Greenham Women, the activist group ‘Greenham Women Everywhere’ recreated the protest march that started the Peace Camp. Walking one hundred and ten miles from Cardiff to the Common they followed in the footsteps of their fore-mothers where for nine days polluted roads and thunderous traffic were eclipsed by camaraderie and song. Original Greenham Women sharing inspiring and sometimes terrifying stories of life at camp with a new generation of impassioned activists. Their mutual aim to highlight the urgent crises of climate emergency, nuclear weapons escalation, violence against women, extreme hunger, and social inequality, could not be more timely. The Greenham Women’s legacy shows how working together under the banners of truth, kindness and peace – a diverse and united group of women can make a difference to the world.

POST SCRIPT: History appears to be repeating itself as the American Government are once again preparing to install U.S. Nuclear weapons here in Britain. This time in Norfolk at USAF Lakenheath.

Artist biography

Wendy Carrig is a British Irish photographer, living and working in London. She began her career documenting protest at the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp whilst still a photography student, and has gone on to forge a career as a professional photographer.

Working across multi-genres her focus is mainly on women’s stories. Her work has been widely recognized including by the Marilyn Stafford FotoReportage Award, the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize, and with GOLD awards from the Association of Photographers. She was a participating artist in the 209women takeover of parliament, has been the featured artist of PhotoLondon magazine, and is a founding member of f22aop women photographers. Her early Greenham Common work has now been recognized with publications and exhibitions.

Wendy Carrig is an Associate Lecturer in BA Photography at Oxford Brookes University, and Patron of MA Photography at Arts University Bournemouth.
