Frivolous Records

Lauren Mason

Working mainly with found photography, Lauren Mason can often be found collecting screen-grabbed digital snippets, or rifling through dusty draws brimming with silver halide photographs. With an interest in old portraiture, snapshot photography and product paraphernalia, her image bank is broad, and so are the uses of her found images.

With a dedication to resisting the overpopulation of images, she believes in giving attention to the discarded, orphaned and unhomed.

Frivolous Records is an ongoing exercise that gives light-hearted intent back to forgotten photographs. Through play, the works breathe life back into the old, and the scanner poses anew for these facedown found artefacts. Creeping along with the lens and the light, new moments and beings are made. Faces and features stretch, stutter and repeat like a video tape speeding through a cassette player.

Outcomes show similarities to computer generated image hallucinations, where the likenesses present a near perfect scene, with some signs of something gone awry.

Artist biography

Interested in analogue processes and equipment, Lauren plays in its crossovers with the digital world. Using the camera, or anything with a similar function, she obsesses on the overlooked and marvels at the mundane.

Attracted to the everyday, she amalgamates resources, celebrating visual and material recycling in her works. Her process translates medium specificities, often in rigorous and somewhat pointless ways. Digital pieces move backwards, only to come forwards again. Analogue works join with the screen, then to be rendered back into tactile pieces.

Lauren holds a BA in Photography from The University of Brighton (2017-2020)
